
Monty Moose's 2000/01 Adventure

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Dear everyone:

I finally got here and boy, was I glad to be let out of my big brown envelope. It was getting kind of "stuffy" for this "stuffie," believe me! I had fun on the way here. I tried to remember the names of all the provinces and territories and all the capitals. I always get stuck on Nunuvut! When I got tired of doing that I read some of the books Mrs. Boekhout put in the bag with me. I learned a lot about Moose! When I got here, Mrs Polly knew immediately that it was me, so she got her son to take a picture. Check out all the snow!

Then I went inside the house, my new home for the next couple of months. I know I am going to have a lot of fun here! Right away I met one of the cats. This one is named Kukui (coo COO ee). Mrs. Polly says the name has something to do with a special tree in Hawaii, and the nuts from this tree are the same color as the cat. Mrs Polly says you could click on these URLs to learn more about the Kukui tree

Anyway, the next picture is when Kukui gave me a welcome kiss!!!

Then I looked out into the back yard. There is a LOT of snow here!

So far Mrs. Polly says they have had more than 170 inches of snow this winter. Not all at the same time of course! Well I didn't know if that was a lot or not, since I don't know anything about inches. Mrs. Polly knew how to convert it so I would understand it. It's about 427 centimeters. WOW! They measure temperature in an odd way too. They use Fahrenheit degrees instead of the celsius. So here, Mrs Polly says it was kind of springlike, despite the snow, about 40 degrees F. But REALLY it was about 4 degrees C. I hope I can figure it out!!!

They have an anole here, so I had to check him out too.

Finally there is a picture of me typing this letter. Mrs Polly uses a trackball and I couldn't do everything at once. Luckily my new pal Mini Moose operated the trackball for me while I typed!!!

Well, I am going to get some rest. Bye for now!!

Love, Monty

PS Mrs Polly really loved all your letters and drawings!!

PPS By the way, Mrs. Polly's son Steve had two days off from school this week because of the big snow. Here are some photos of Steve measuring the snowfall!! Steve measures 20 inches in the front yard. (50 centimeters or so? Over MY head, anyway!)


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