Here is the CRITTER QUIZ that you can try!

See if YOU know the answers!
Have a look through our Critter Information Pages first... they might help you!


1. This critter has one slimy foot.

a) earthworm
b) slug
c) caterpillar




2. This small insect makes a bubbly foam around it.

a) Spitbug
b) Stinkbug
c) Ladybug




3. This insect has furry antennae and a thick body.

a) ant
b) Butterfly
c) Moth



4. This critter has many legs, with 2 pairs of legs per body segment.

a) millipede
b) centipede
c) caterpillar



5. This critter likes to roll up in a ball when it is disturbed!

a) pillbug
b) earthworm
c) beetle






6. This critter has eight legs.

a) pillbug
b) inchworm
c) Daddy Long Legs






7. These insects follow in a long line to find the way to food.

a) centipedes
b) ants
c) slugs






8. This critter has two body parts and eight legs.

a) daddy long legs
b) spiders
c) pillbug






9. This critter helps make forest soil.

a) earthworm
b) aphid
c) slug






10. This insect has a hard pair of wings (elytra) to protect its flying pair of wings.

a) earwig
b) moth
c) ladybug






11. This insect has knobbed antennae, a thin body, and beautiful wings.

a) stinkbug
b) cricket
c) butterfly






12. This critter likes to eat insects.

a) centipede
b) millipede
c) aphid






Number 12 was our last quiz question for you.
So... do you think you know more about these twelve BC critters now?


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