Pink Shirt - Anti-bullying Day

Pink Shirt (Anti-Bullying) Day in Canada will be February 26, 2025.
2025 Message: Let Kindness Grow!

International Stand Up to Bullying Day will be February 28, 2025.
International Day of Pink will be April 9, 2025. The theme is "Re-Emergence".
Anti-Bullying (International) Day will be May 4, 2025.
Bullying Awareness Week: November 17 to November 21, 2025

pink shirt


From the sponsor website:
" Our 2025 Pink Shirt Day design is all about cultivating a community of kindness. Just like tending to a garden, together we can each help nurture a sense of belonging where we live, work, and go to school. It all starts with small gestures— a kind word, an offer of support or understanding. If we plant enough, pretty soon, more will be sprouting up all around us! By sprinkling these seeds of empathy and compassion, we can work towards a world without bullying and "Let Kindness Grow" through all of our community gardens."

Want to get involved with your own pink shirt or button?
They cost about $10, with proceeds going to children's groups that deal with self-esteem issues.
They are available online or through sponsors such as London Drugs.

pink shirts

pink shirt pink buttons


Indigenous Pink Shirt
... and more!

pink hoodie

Join the cause and stand up against bullying with our Indigenous Pink Shirt designed by a Canadian artist.


Amanda ToddAmanda Todd

Amanda Todd Legacy Society Official Site - Home
1ST annual Amanda Todd Legacy Golf Tournament - May 22nd, 2025

"Amanda had a dream of helping kids, and through Carol's efforts, this dream has become a reality.
By speaking up about bullying, cyber abuse, internet safety and mental health,
we know that Education & Awareness is being added to a landscape
that will bring together the conversations needed to break the cycle of harm to others." 
​- Carol Todd

Anti-Bullying Day

You may be aware of the occasion, but did you know it began in Canada?

Here is part of the original Sept. 2007 CBC News report:

Two Nova Scotia students are being praised across North America for the way they turned the tide against the bullies who picked on a fellow student for wearing pink.

The victim, a Grade 9 boy, wore a pink polo shirt on his first day of school. Bullies harassed the boy, called him a homosexual for wearing pink and threatened to beat him up.

Two Grade 12 students — David Shepherd and Travis Price — heard the news and decided to take action.
"I just figured enough was enough," said Shepherd. They went to a nearby discount store and bought 50 pink shirts… to wear to school the next day. Then the two went online to e-mail classmates to get them on board with their anti-bullying cause that they dubbed a "sea of pink."

But a tsunami of support poured in the next day. Not only were dozens of students outfitted with the discount tees, but hundreds of students showed up wearing their own pink clothes, some head-to-toe. When the bullied student… walked into school to see fellow students decked out in was a powerful moment. "It looked like there was a big weight lifted off his shoulders….”said Shepherd.

There's been nary a peep from the bullies since, which Shepherd says just goes to show what a little activism will do.

In 2008 Premier Gordon Campbell recognized Anti-Bullying Day in BC.  Christy Clark has been a big supporter in both her talk show and her website. The International STAND UP to Bullying Day is actually a bi-annual event (February and November) with 25 countries participating. The official date is usually the last Wednesday in February.

Bullying can show itself in many forms, and usually when teachers aren’t present. One program my school utilizes is called “using your WITTS”. 
It provides a strategy for times when students have problems on the playground. It also gives peers a common language to use when trying to help.

W= walk away, I= ignore, T= tell them to stop, Talk= talk about solutions, S= seek help


CBC News article
How Pink Shirt Day started in a Nova Scotia high school in 2007.

Pink Shirt Day
The last Wednesday of February is known as Anti-Bullying Day in Canada.

BC Gov't program: erase = expect respect & a safe education

bc211 is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information, referral, and help line services.
Online resources

Award Winning Educator Bill Belsey's Canadian websites
(Includes world's first definition of the term!) overview

Unfortunately, is no longer supported (it got too big!) 
It was a fabulous Canadian created (2000) and internationally accredited!
In it's place, please visit:
I Won't Stand By

"BullyingCanada Inc is Canada's premier-and first youth-created-anti-bullying charity. Founded by Rob Benn-Frenette, O.N.B. and Katie Thompson (Neu) in 2006, BullyingCanada has served hundreds of thousands of youth across the country by, amongst other initiatives, providing individual support, extensive resources, case management, scholarships, and presentations to schools and organizations."

Canadian Home Schooler - Bullying Awareness Week Resources

International Bullying Prevention Association

Bullying: Facing History and Ourselves

Here's the information behind this organization.

United States

International STAND UP to Bullying Day
The event takes place in schools, workplaces, and organizations in 25 countries across the globe on the third Friday of November
to coincide with Anti-bullying week (wikipedia article) and then again on the last Friday of February.

Apps related to Anti-bullying

KCOM Links to 10 apps (Cyberbully Hotline, Block'em, Stand Up to Bullying, tootoot, #BeStrong Antibullying Keyboard, Family GPS Locator, Find My Kids - Footprints, Zipit, Choose Your Path, Sit With Us)

"Sit With Us" (Information on the Huffingtonpost)

tulsakids - 5 anti-bullying apps every family should have (Know Bullying, Re-Think - Stop Cyberbullying,
Take a Stand Together, Belly Button, Speak Up! For Someone

FamiSafe - antibullying apps (FamiSafe anti-cyberbullying, Net Nanny, Net Watcher, FamilyTime, My Mobile Watchdog

Cyberbullying Research Center - Lots of downloadable information here!

Information by a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating users of connected technology about safety, privacy and security

Callersmart - reverse lookup to investigate and stop nuisance calls
Pacer Center Kids Against Bullying
Pacer Center

Resources about bullying by K12 online public school group (US)

K-12 Internet Resource Center – resources
Search Results for “bullying” – K-12 Internet Resource Center (

Education Development Center, Inc.
(EDC)—a leading global nonprofit organization established in 1958

Kalamazoo College Stop School Bullying Website... for Kids, Parents, and Teachers
Cyberbullying: Ten Top tips for Educators
Cyberbullying Research Center
Bullying Prevention (with downloadable PDFs)
PBIS Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

Bullying Prevention: Edutopia

Teacher's Essential Guide to Cyberbullying Prevention:

Bullying Information: American Pyschological Association
hundreds of articles on bullying!

National Education Association
36 links to information regarding bullying


Resources provided by concerned companies

Cyberbullying (Lots of information here, including definitions, laws, suggestions, social media etc.)

Bullying and Substance Abuse: Who it affects and why
(fact based resources by Advanced Recovery Systems)

Bullying hotlines and resource center (BRIM software company)

Guide for parents and educators on child internet privacy and safety (Comparitech)

The Recovery Village (Florida)
Good information on how bullying and substance abuse are related.
Information on obtaining adolescent (13 to 17) rehabilitation treatment.

Router - some good information
6 R's of bullying Prevention: Rules, Recognize, Report, Respond, Refuse, Replace

How to keep your children safe online: A guide for the non-techie parent

The latest cyber bullying statistics in 2024
Policy Lab: Clinical trials on the effects of Bullying
Our Mission: To provide resources for patients and their families on diseases and clinical trials with the end goal of streamlining the clinical trial process and pushing healthcare forward.
Pixel (Protecting your privacy online.)
Internet safety for non-techy parents/carers. It covers the dangers of the internet, suggestions for rules and how to use parental controls.

Marlee Fingerprint for Success
"We intend to raise awareness of why bullying happens (what is the usual intent) and what measures
companies and organizations can take to provide a safe, bully-free workplace."

Cutter Law
"This guide includes more information about its prevalence, who is most affected, and how we can prevent it.

Internet Safety Guide for Kids: Cyberghost Research Team

Internet & Social Media Tips for Kids: InfinityDISH



United Kingdom

Anti-bullying alliance

“The Parents’ Guide to Teaching your Teen Online Safety” from "MyTutor"


Unique Concerns

Bullying and Special Needs
Unfortunately, kids with special needs, such as cerebral palsy, can be the targets of bullying.
How to Deal With Bullying Targeting Autistic Children
Elemy, a provider of in-home and online applied behavior analysis
How to Deal With Bullying Targeting Autistic Children (
This article deals with a related concern coming up lately: gender affirming verbal communication.
Finding Your True Voice: A Guide to Gender-Affirming Verbal Communication - Online Speech Pathology Programs


Student suggestions

CYBER-BULLYING: The New Online Crime

Thank you to Kristin M., a grade 6 student, for passing on the following link!
After reading Judy Blume's story "Blubber", Kristin was inspired to do some research of her own
about the modern day problem of Cyber-Bullying.

Thank you to Alexa and her tutor, Mr. Coner, for passing on the following link!
Computer and Internet Safety Tips including information and links regarding Cyberbullying

Bullying Prevention Guide and Resources
A big thank you to Grade 9 student, Mindie, in California for this excellent resource!
There are lots of links for students, parents, and teachers on this webpage!

Thank you to Danielle and her homeschool teacher, Mr. Goodrich,
to Mindie and her teacher, Mr. Moore, and to Ms. Taylor, community educator!
(That makes three times I've been alerted to this resource!)
This website sates: "...Parents need to take protective measures when it comes to digital learning to protect their children’s digital privacy.
These protective measures include setting up privacy controls, reviewing app privacy policies,
and discussing data protection policies with the school's administration."

SCHOOL BUS Bullying Prevention

Thank you to Joey and Ms. Parker, his teacher in the after-school learning program for teens, for this useful resource!
"We are currently studying the importance of kids' safety from physical, mental, and emotional harm."

General Safety Links

Thank you to Lauren and her teacher, Mrs.Galvin, in Indiana, for passing on the following link!
This website has general safety links for kids both around the home and at school.



Return to Winter Links

This page revised February 2019, updated August 2025.