EdTech Stuff!

I have been interested in sharing EdTech learning for quite a few years now.
My most current avenue is my new blog! You are welcome to visit!

EdTech Ripples at edublogs.org


I have made several podcasts with my students and my Gr. 5 Computer Club,
but only one podcast of my own. It seems I prefer listening to others!!!

Podcast Ripples


In previous years, I offered a website building program (using Netscape Navigator)
at the annual District "Fair" for Challenge Students..

Challenge Fair


Back in 2000 I actually did my own tech study!

Tech in Curriculum


How did I get interested in EdTech? Here's my little "history"...

In about 1988, when my son was in grade 4, we bought our first computer "for his and my homework". I thought it was wonderful to be able to create my own worksheets and save them from year to year and revise them quickly and easily. I also started writing a "newsletter" for my class. My husband and I were also full into breeding several kinds of birds at the time, and that's when I discovered MSPublisher from the monthly avian newsletter in our local bird club. Finding that program got me really excited about our computer! I was so enthralled that I even offered to be a "helper" in the school computer program. I clearly remember saying, "I'd love to help with the students or with checking out new programs, but don't ask me to do anything technical, because I don't have a clue!" Well... as it turned out, our VP went off on extended medical leave, and there was no one else willing to take over the duties of the computer lab. What did I do first?... the only thing I felt competant to do... I got cloths and used toothbrushes for the computer student monitors and we went about CLEANING the computers and keyboards! Then I set up an extensive index system of recording which computers had problems and how many times we had to call in the technicians!

Since that time I have remained the Computer Site Contact at my school, and I have been to many edtech workshops and training sessions. I know a LOT more about computers than I ever thought I would! I remain excited, enthusiastic, and ever hopeful that I can assist the rest of the teachers at my school become more comfortable using technology.


This page created Nov./09.