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Painted Lady Butterflies ( Page 3of 3: 6 photos)

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1. Butterfly Freedom Day! The first year (before we got our Butterfly Pavilion and our wonderful pond area) we released our butterflies in the forest area beside the playground. (Here I am on the way there.)


2. Each child had a chance to lick their finger and entice a butterfly out of the box. did you know that the butterflies like the sweet taste of saliva? 3. Some children were lucky enough to have their butterfly sit on their finger for a few moments or even minutes before flying off.


4. Releasing the butterflies by giving "turns" to the children was a little more difficult using the big Pavilion. It was harder to reach some of the butterflies on the back wall because we had the tent placed in the garden area. Next year we'll do some different planning. 5. This little fellow didn't mind the net at all!


6. We finished off our unit with a beautiful "Have you seen Butterflies?" in a Barbara Reid format... our older Buddy class helped us created plasticene butterfly plaques. Then we made some more paper butterflies ourselves.

The Painted Lady Butterfly unit... what a success!

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This page created August 1999.