CanO zConnection

Hugh Manatee's 2001/02 Adventure in Canada!

Page 2


Dear Boys and Girls!

I've been having a great time here in Coquitlam! The cool fall days make me feel very energetic.
Mrs. Boekhout's house is only a few kilometer from the school. (oh... kilometer are a little smaller than miles!)
Here we are starting our walk, out the back gate and onto the Hoy Creek trail. Dexter Dog loves walking the trail!

The Hoy Creek trail is part of the famous Trans Canada Trail!
Can you find me in the picture?

Maybe this closeup will help!

The Hoy Creek Park has many interesting places to stop.

Here is the fish hatchery. Every year they raise salmon to set free in Hoy Creek.

I even watched the salmon spawning! Did you know that the adult salmon have swum all the way
from the Pacific Ocean just to lay their eggs in the small creeks that they were born in!

Those salmon were way bigger than me, but much smaller than a real manatee of course!

I was so inspired that I went for a big swim in the fall leaves!

Then I went for a bit of a climb.

Whew! I'm glad it was just a stump!

Well... time to get back to school! I'm starting to visit all the children's homes now.

This will be F - U - N ! ! !


Love and hugs,
Hugh Manatee




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