The standard curricula being used
for the purposes of this study are the B.C. Ministry of Education IRPs (Instructional
Resource Packages).
Ministry of Education Curriculum Branch
Ministry of Education IRPs Index
Ministry of Education 1999
(featured in Van. Sun Newspaper April 20, 2000)
The BC Performance Standards have been developed for voluntary use in BC schools.
They describe the professional judgments of a significant number of BC educators
about standards and expectations for the following key areas of learning: reading,
writing, numeracy, social responsibility.
to the top
in Curriculum Links
Note: Information Technology from
K-7 is now considered a Cross Curricular area.
Ministry of Education Cross Curricular webpage
Information Technology as a Cross Curricular subject
In preparation for the new five year technology plan (after June 2000), and at the request of the BC Teachers Federation, the Ministry of Education formed an advisory committee to make recommendations relating to the effective use of technology in K-12 education. The Report of the "Teaching, Learning, and Education Technology Advisory Committee" to the British Columbia Ministry of Education is entitled "Conditions for Success"
Conditions for Success report:
Information about the public forum
and the new draft technology plan:
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"Welcome to the British Columbia Archives (BC Archives),
located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The BC Archives is the central
archives service for the government of British Columbia, and provides research
access to records of enduring value to the province for both the provincial
government and public clientele. Our archival holdings include: government documents and records; private historical manuscripts and papers; maps, charts and architectural plans; photographs; paintings, drawings and prints; audio and video tapes; film; newspapers; and an extensive library of publications with a strong emphasis on the social and political history of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest." http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/index.htm |
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The purpose of the Time Machine is to provide accessibility
to British Columbia historical documents, images, and other multimedia information
in a format designed for school-age children. The Time Machine was developed
under Industry Canada's SchoolNet initiative. http://www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca/exhibits/timemach/index.htm |
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"BCTF Online is the Federation's Internet information
service for BCTF members, parents, and the public. We provide full Internet
services to local leaders. Our mailing lists are discussion forums for research,
professional development and educational issues. The BCTF Web site provides
information about educational and professional issues, bargaining, professional
development events and services, and features a number of resource databases."
http://www.bctf.bc.ca/index.html |
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"Some months ago, British Columbia Teachers' Federation
(BCTF) and the Ministry of Education produced Conditions for Success: Teaching,
Learning and Education Technology. The Ministry has now followed with a
draft Information Technology in Education Plan for 2000 and Beyond for public
input. To support public participation in this planning process, BCTF and
UBC's Public Knowledge Project have set up this Policy Forum with resources
that should help you address the question of technology's place in education.
It runs from November 1999 through February 2000." http://pkp.bctf.bc.ca/ |
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Ever wondered how you can "get through" that upcoming
live animal unit? ...or perhaps you are contemplating a class pet and want
to know more first. Maybe you already have an interesting animal in your
class and would like to find a teacher in another school or even country
to correspond with! This teacher resource was made by a teacher FOR teachers.
Check for information at your leisure, follow up interesting links, or contact
the teacher directly to ask your specific questions. http://www.teacherwebshelf.com/classroompets |
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"The Community Learning Network is a telecommunications
network maintained by the Open School, a service within the Open Learning
Agency. CLN's primary focus is to help K-12 teachers integrate information
technology into their classrooms. There are tremendous resources on the
WWW but the sheer quantity of these is overwhelming. CLN provides direct
links to exemplary educational WWW resources from our intuitive menus. By
finding, previewing, describing, and linking to exemplary sites, CLN's staff
save teachers an enormous amount of time that they would have wasted otherwise
in fruitless browsing." http://www.cln.org |
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"Teachers are expected to use new technologies,
and to integrate computers into classroom work. But where can teachers who
are just beginning to develop their computer skills get help and support
and advice? "Computers for Lunch" is a cost-free, stress-free
and relevant skill-building "class" which teachers anywhere can
work on in their own time and at their own pace." http://www.sfu.ca/~cfl/ |
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"Connecting Girls is a made-in-B.C. Web site designed
to help teenage girls locate appropriate web-based resources. A previewed
and categorized listing of sites
complements the teacher- and student-friendly
sites available through the CLN." Many of its listed sites regarding
gender concerns are Canadian!. http://www.members.home.net/lcoupal/ |
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K-12 LIBRARY and LEARNING RESOURCES This Coquitlam Library Resource website won the 1998 Roy Hill award for excellence. There are many excellent links organized for teachers. http://www.s95.sd43.bc.ca:8000/district/home.htm |
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"This site is maintained by the Computer Using
Educators of British Columbia and sponsored by the British Columbia Teachers'
Federation.These pages are meant to be a resource for technology education,
pedagogical exploration, and teacher renewal for ALL Computer Using Educators
in the Province of British Columbia." http://www.bctf.bc.ca/CUEBC/ |
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"Welcome to the Daybook: A teacher created searchable
database of online lesson plans. You can print out new lessons to use right
away! Any teacher can easily submit by filling out the online form. Your
lesson plan will be published within 2 weeks The Daybook is currently featuring a selection of K-7 subjects. Our database is constantly being updated to cover all K-12 subject areas." http://www.discoverlearning.com/classroom/daybook/ |
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"E-GEMS, Electronic-Games for Education in Math and
Science, is a interdisciplinary team doing research and development on...
children's interactions with computers, design and use of (educational)
computer games, strategies and materials to integrate game-like computer
activities with other forms of classroom learning." http://taz.cs.ubc.ca/egems/home.html |
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"GenTech is an applied research project whose mandate
is to create conditions within which girls and women have maximum access
to, and confidence in, a wide range of new information technologies."
GenTech's creators received the Wired Woman Society's Millenial Year 2000
"Pioneer in Technology and New Media" award! http://www.educ.sfu.ca/gentech/ |
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"The online lesson plans database links
educational technology with various curricular areas from Kindergarten through
to Grade Ten levels. The Information Technology Curriculum Consortium (ITCC)
was formed back in July, 1997 because many teachers do not have the time
or expertise in educational technology integration. Rather than have the
dozens of school districts in B.C. "reinvent the wheel" several
times, a number of B.C.educational technology leaders decided to pool their
efforts. The Ministry of Education as well as the participating districts
provided funding to spearhead this project." http://www.itcc.bc.ca/index2.htm |
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"Internet Sites that Work..." originates
from David Brear's popular workshop for teachers. It includes excellent
teacher resources as well as student resources and project ideas. New sites
are regularly added. David is a Coquitlam elementary computer teacher who
also runs an online university course (see "On Ramp..."). http://members.home.net/dbrear/G4.html |
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This is another of David Brear's informative
workshops. He offers some simple, constructive ideas for getting started. http://members.home.net/dbrear/G3.html |
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The Poulsbo Marine Science Center is actually
located in the USA on the Kitsap Peninsula, west of Seattle. The new INTERTIDAL
ZONE WEB SITE is for use in all northwest classrooms. If you click on the
"tutorial", you can take "A Coastal Journey" with photos
taken along our British Columbia coast. This extensive interactive site
(elem-12) follows a marine biologist and his school-aged daughter as they
travel a northwest rocky shore at low tide. The site covers tidal dynamics,
coastal geology, intertidal stratification, and plant/animal adaptions."A
Coastal Journey" will be upgraded periodically; comments from BC educators
are welcome. (Questions: nrsefton@telebyte.net) http://www.poulsbomsc.org (Click on Tutorial) |
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On Ramp to the information Highway (EDCI 396C)
is a UBC Office of Continuing Professional Education correspondence course
facilitated and written by David Brear,
Coquitlam School Teacher, recent recipient of The
Busy Educator's Award. Since it began in the summer of 1997, this course
about the Internet and its resources has enrolled over 150 educators from
around BC and as far away as Japan. http://members.home.net/dbrear/index.html |
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"Open School is a division of the Open Learning
Agency focusing on the BC K-12 curriculum, and offering innovative, timely,
and current educational programs for students and teachers. We help school
administrators, teachers, and students from kindergarten to high school
by offering courses and teaching resources using print, television, and
the Internet, and by providing innovative course design in English and in
French. Our expertise is extremely useful to teachers committed to improving
access to basic education by developing flexible, learner-focused programs
that can be delivered via distance or in the classroom." http://www.openschool.bc.ca/about/index.html |
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"Phoenix Quest is multi-media, cross-curricular
adventure developed by the E-GEMS project (Electronic Games for Education
in Math and Science) at the University of British Columbia. The intent of
Phoenix Quest is to make mathematics appealing to girls from ages 9 to 14
by incorporating game and activity elements that girls find interesting,
important and challenging." http://taz.cs.ubc.ca/egems/pq/toc.html |
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Here's how the B.C. Ministry of Education describes
their website: " PLNet is a new telecommunications network that will
vastly enhance British Columbia's public education system. A progressive
initiative by the provincial government, PLNet gives all public schools,
colleges and other institutions throughout BC full access to modern computer
networking and communications capabilities." http://www.plnet.bc.ca/ |
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The purpose of this Web site is to provide BC
Teachers with an overview of what PLNet and the Internet offers and how
to go about using them. http://www.plnet.bc.ca/teacher's_resource_kit/ |
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"The S.N.O.O.P.S. program is a Grade 5 Science
course that combines science activities and technology to teach important
concepts in a new and interesting way. S.N.O.O.P.S. gets its name from a group of young scientists the SNOOPERS who solve mysteries using their predicting, observing, experimenting and analyzing skills. The Snoopers rely on faxes, video cameras and computers to communicate with one another." http://www.openschool.bc.ca/galaxy/snoops/snoops.html |
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School District 68, Ladysmith-Nanaimo, has created
an excellent introduction to using Webquests. Additionally, there are many
links to the original Webquest Design suggestions from Bernie Dodge and
Tom March at San Diego State University. http://www.sd68.bc.ca/webquests/ |
Technology in Education
...other Canadian sites
Let's not forget those provinces East of the Rockies!
Association of Universities and
Colleges of Canada
"Welcome to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada Web
Site. This is your single stop for complete, up-to-date information on Canadian
higher education. Universities, publications, international activities, scholarships,
advocacy, and much more - all the information is here - in a single window!
Busy Educator's Guide to the
Marjan Glavac is an educator, author, speaker, webmaster, and enthusiastic promotor
of using technology in education! His website and book are excellent resources
for all levels of technological expertise and his free monthly e-zine keep teachers
up-to-date in friendly, knowledgeable fashion. Marjan teaches in London, Ontario
and hosts a chat for Canadian teachers at the teachers.net website <http://www.teachers.net
Canada.com search engine
This search engine looks for Canadian sites and gives a percentage of Canadian
content in the results. "Optimized for browser versions 4.0 and higher
'canada.com' is a division of Southam Inc., Canada's largest publisher of daily
Canadian Education on the Web
"The purpose of Canadian Education on the Web is to bring together everything
relating to Canada and education that has a presence on the World Wide Web.
" This extensive website provides links to Canada wide educational organizations,
Ministries of Education, School Board Organizations etc.
Canadian Heritage
"The Canadian Heritage Portfolio has a variety of instruments at its disposal
to contribute to a common national purpose. We foster a strengthened sense of
what it means to be a part of the Canadian community. We ensure the presence
of Canadian culture in an era of globalization. We provide Canadians with greater
opportunities to learn and understand more about our country and about each
other, to involve them in nation-building and to celebrate and recognize Canadian
achievements. We ensure protection of our natural and cultural heritage for
the benefit of current and future generations. The Department's programs and
activities are clustered under five sectors: Canadian Identity, Cultural Development,
Arts and Heritage, Strategic Management, Corporate Services."
Canadian Museum of Civilization: Vitual Museum
"As the national museum of human history, the Canadian Museum of Civilization
is committed to fostering in all Canadians a sense of their common identity
and their shared past. At the same time, it hopes to promote understanding between
the various cultural groups that are part of Canadian society. "
"The social, economic and technological environment in which the we operate
has changed greatly in the last few years. Therefore the Board of Trustees and
senior management felt that it was time to provide a revitalized strategic direction
to take the Museum towards the year 2000. The management and staff of the CMCC
worked together to develop the Corporation's first strategic plan." (including..."To
make use of new technologies to keep our programmes current and interactive".)
Canadian Museum of Nature
"The Canadian Museum of Nature is much more than a natural history museum
that creates and develops exhibits for public viewing. Behind our public face
is a vibrant, multi-layered, multi-faceted organization composed of research
scientists, collection specialists, education and multimedia specialists, and
By browsing this site, you will begin to see the depth of scientific and educational
programmes and activities that make up the heart and soul of the Museum."
Canadian Universities
"This list includes all institutions that are members of the Association
of Universities and Colleges of Canada, as well as other institutions that offer
full-time study at the university credit level."
Canadiana: The Canadian Resource Page
From Technology and Science, to Travel and Tourism, Facts and Figures, Heritage
and Politics... this site has an extensive set of links to Canadian information.
Can Teach
" CanTeach is a non-commercial site created to assist teachers in finding and
using resources online. Although this site has resources which all educators
will find useful, we have attempted to place emphasis on lesson plans, resources,
& links which have a Canadian focus since there is a need for such materials
on the web."
CERIS - Canadian Education Research Information System
"CERIS provides information about Canadian education and Canadian research
on education in a way that is easily accessible to everyone interested in education
and learning." The webpages on the theme of technology "attempt to
describe briefly what is happening in Canada at the present time, what some
of the major issues are, and some possible directions for the future, especially
related to policy and research."
Major Internet sources collected by this website are located at:
Children's Literature Web Guide
"The Children's Literature Web Guide is an attempt to gather together and
categorize the growing number of Internet resources related to books for Children
and Young Adults. My contribution, besides pulling all these sites together,
is to compile book awards lists from a variety of print sources, and from Internet
"sources" who generously post news of recent winners." David
K. Brown is a Librarian with an ulterior motive... "If my cunning plan
works, you will find yourself tempted away from the Internet, and back to the
books themselves!" What a fantastic resource!
Council of Ministers of Education
"In Canada, education is the responsibility of each province and territory.
Because ministers of education needed a forum in which to discuss issues of
mutual concern, they established the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
(CMEC) in 1967. CMEC is the national voice for education in Canada. It is the
mechanism through which ministers consult and act on matters of mutual interest,
and the instrument through which they consult and cooperate with national education
organizations and the federal government. CMEC also represents the education
interests of the provinces and territories internationally."
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Maritimes region
This website provides interesting information and some web links for students
and teachers on various water habitats. This information is often applicable
to areas other than the Maritimes.
Education Indicators in Canada in 1999
Report of the Council of Ministers of Education Canada.
Look for Chapter 3 : Characteristics and Features of Education Systems
Communication and Information Technologies in Schools... see pages 45-50.
Environment Canada's "The Green Lane" Website
"We are a science-based government department whose business is helping
Canadians live and prosper in an environment that is properly protected and
conserved. It's our goal to help make sustainable development a reality in Canada
and, by doing so, make our country an example to the world."
Earth Day Canada
"Celebrated every April 22, Earth Day is the largest, most celebrated
environmental event worldwide. More than 6 million Canadians join 500 million
people in over 164 countries in staging events and projects to address local
environmental issues. Nearly every school child in Canada takes part in an Earth
Day activity. Environmental crises abound as our daily actions pollute and degrade
the fragile environment that humans and wildlife depend on to survive. First
launched as an environmental awareness event in the United States in 1970, Earth
Day (April 22) is celebrated as the birth of the environmental movement.
Want to get involved? Need some help? Our programs and resources will
help you organize a successful activity, event or project in your organization
or community.
Environmental Connections for Canada
"Environmental Connections is specializing in Canadian Environmental sites
and the Pacific Northwest. This site includes lists of small and large environmental
groups, Canadian and Provincial government resources, animal rescue centres
wildlife Rehabilitators, and groups that have international links. Also included
is a growing list of commercial forestry operations.
This web site was begun as a project to provide a free source of information
on the various environmental groups within each province. This has expanded
into a directory for groups within Canada as well as the Pacific Northwest United
States and links to Canadian Government sources."
Environmental Connections for
Canada: Related Sites
Associations: This webpage gives an extensive listing of various Canadian
associations related to the environment.
Government: This webpage gives an extensive listing of the Canadian
government departments related to the environment.
Free Stuff for Canadians
"Free stuff for teachers is a site where Canadian educators can find the
latest links to free resources, materials and even computers. Being a teacher,
I know classroom funding is practically non-existent. The goal is to get those
free resources from private companies and the government into the classroom.
I also found that many freebie sites were geared towards American educators.
These sites will deliver to Canadians." What a wonderful site... thank
you, Quentin D'Souza, for your hard work!
Great Canadian Guide
"Your premier Internet connection to Canada's wonderful museums, galleries
and more! The Great Canadian Guide is the result of the integration of CHIN's
Guide to Canadian Museums and Galleries and the Official Directory of the Canadian
Museums Association. Over 2400 cultural institutions and attractions can be
found in this unique, comprehensive, on-line gateway to Canadian heritage. With
the technically advanced yet simple-to-use Remote Controls, you can find an
abundance of information on Canada's cultural institutions and attractions.
Discover our natural history museums, fine art galleries, historic forts, zoos,
planetariums, aquariums and more!"
National Library of Canada
"The National Library's collections focus primarily on Canadiana, works
in all subjects written by, about or of interest to Canadians, published in
Canada or abroad. "
Oceans Canada
"Ahoy! If you're looking for links to everything oceans in Canada - from
university programs to research institutes to policies and legislation - welcome
aboard. Dive in and explore OceansCanada!"
Parks Canada
This website encompasses information about our Canadian Parks and National Historic
Sites. It also has "virtual tours" (in Quicktime) of many of our parks.
SchoolNet Projects: This webpage provides links to various projects.
Educational Resources: This webpage outlines various educational products,
services and programs. A search can be done by: 1) National Parks and National
Historic Sites, 2) Age Ranges, or 3) Subject Areas.
"Established in 1993, Canada's SchoolNet is designed to promote the effective
use of information technology amongst Canadians by helping Canadian schools
and public libraries connect to the Internet." Mission Statement: "SchoolNet
readies learners for the knowledge-based society. It champions life long learning
and the creation of world class educational resources through information technology
and partnerships."
SchoolNet News Network
"The SchoolNet News Network is an online multimedia journalism network
for K-12 students across Canada. SNN and its French counterpart Rédaction
de Rescol (RDR) offer young Canadians a chance to take part in the fastest-moving
developments in media history -- online publishing and broadcasting. SNN is
published on the World Wide Web once a month and updated whenever new stories
are sent in. The project is open to all Canadian students whether they participate
as a class with the support of their teachers or as an individual."
TACT: Technology for Advanced Collaborative Teaching (English)
TéléApprentissage Communautaire et Transformatif (French)
"The TL*NCE researchers working on the theme Educating the Educators
aim to take hold of the pedagogical advantage of telelearning technologies.
Toward this aim, the teacher education research team is progressively establishing
the TeleLearning Professional Development School (TL*PDS), a concept grounded
in both physical and virtual settings: professional development schools (PDSs)
or associated schools on the one hand, and professional development webs (PDWs)
on the other hand.
TACT is a response to a new vision of the learner. It stresses that successful
integration of web-based facilities into the learning and, later, working environment
implies extensive reconceptualization of the professional teacher's pedagogy.
TACT is a professional community and a professional development community on
the web."
to the top
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