SPACE - K-12 Resources
for Students, Educators, & Families


Beginner's Astronomy

Thank you to Hannah, of DIY Gardening, for inspiring me to update and revamp this entire webpage!

Canadian Space Agency
Getting Started in Astronomy

Canadian Space Agency
The Astronautics Vocabulary is a glossary of terms that pertain to the science and technology of spaceflight.

Astronomy: How to get started

Learning to explore the night sky

Astronomy for Beginners: Supporting Your Child’s Interest in Space
An explanation of the different types of Astronomy, tips for beginners, hands-on activities and a variety of educational resources.


Astronomy Resources for Kids
This webpage has some interesting links to explore!
Thanks to Amanda in Knox County, Maine for suggesting this!

Bringing the Stars to You: A Guide for Building a Home Observatory
This webpage has lots of great ideas and suggestions as well as other informational links.


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Kids' Astronomy

Nine Eight Planets (We still love you Pluto!)
Take an interactive tour of the solar system, or browse the site to find fascinating information,
facts, and data about our planets, the solar system, and beyond.

Astronomy for Kids and "Supervised Adults"

Blast Off!
Space and Solar System Word Games and Resources for Kids


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Student Activities

Canadian Space Agency
Space activities for youth and educators | Canadian Space Agency (

CSA-Educational Activities

CSA-Space Quizzes
Space quizzes | Canadian Space Agency (

CSA-Supporting Educators and Parents
Supporting educators and parents | Canadian Space Agency (

Astronauts | Canadian Space Agency (

CSA- Indigenous Skies


Activities and Opportunities provided by NASA STEM experts: Explore NASA STEM

for Educators

StarChild - A Learning Center for Young Astronomers
"The StarChild site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas E. White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) at NASA/GSFC. StarChild has been developed primarily by teachers from Lakeside Middle School in Evans, Georgia."


H.R. MacMillan Space Center (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
"The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre is a non-profit community resource that brings the wonder of space to Earth, while providing a personal sense of ongoing discovery. Through innovative programming, exhibits & activities, our goal is to inspire sustained interest in the fields of earth science, space science and astronomy."

Online programs
Online resources and activities


Check out your weight on other planets
Check out your age on other planets

NASA's Universe of Learning
"...activities for learners of all ages to engage in the science of NASA astrophysics from home. Explore everything from our solar system to far away exoplanets, stars and nebula, and the most distant galaxies."

Girls Steam Ahead - Resources


"Launch rockets, build robots, explore your world and beyond! Our projects, toolkit and contests will take you into space without ever leaving Earth."

Solar System Scroll - Student activity
(Note: Kidsastronomy and KidsKnowIt are now part of

Solar System

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Space Websites

Canadian Space Agency
"We advance the knowledge of space through science and ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians."
Themes include: Astronauts, astronomy, Moon exploration, satellites, science, technology, robotics.


"Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions, spacecraft through a vast archive of photographs, scientific facts, text, graphics and videos. Views of the Solar System offers enhanced exploration and educational enjoyment of the solar system and beyond."


We are the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. We help humanity explore the universe with advanced space telescopes and ever-growing data archives. Established in 1981, we have helped guide the most famous observatory in history, the Hubble Space Telescope.

National Space Day
Space Day is an educational event held on the first Friday in May.
According to "Cute",
the goal is "to promote math, science, technology and engineering education by nurturing young peoples' enthusiasm for the wonders of the universe and inspiring them to continue the stellar work of today's space explorers" (according to Space Day was created by Lockheed Martin Corporation in 1997.

"WSW (World Space Week) is a holiday observed annually from 4 to 10 Oct in different parts of the world. This includes Asia and Europe. WSW is officially described as an international observance of science and technology, plus their contribution to the improvement of the human condition."

Challenger Center for Space Science Education

"In the aftermath of the Challenger accident, the crew’s families came together, firmly committed to the belief that they must carry on the spirit of their loved ones by continuing the Challenger crew’s educational mission. Their efforts resulted in the creation of Challenger Center for Space Science Education.

Challenger Center and its global network of Challenger Learning Centers use space-themed simulated learning and role-playing strategies to help students bring their classroom studies to life and cultivate skills needed for future success, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication and teamwork.

A not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education organization, Challenger Center reaches hundreds of thousands of students, and tens of thousands of teachers every year."

"Imagine giving students the chance to be part of the team searching for a Hawaiian monk seal that’s gone missing, to work with the paleontologists identifying bones of a ground sloth, and to support park rangers on their quest to identify a plant that could destroy the Smoky Mountains. Classroom Adventures makes this possible…without ever leaving the classroom."


Summer Sky Constellations
Some of the constellations in the summer sky and the stories behind them.


Thanks to Tina and family for finding a helpful constellation guide (in an unlikely spot!)
This website lists the major constellations, where they are located, how they were named, & how to find them.

IAC - Some wonderful photos from the Canaries, (some text in Spanish!)
" The sky is not equally blue and transparent all over the world, and few locations can offer the observing conditions necessary for modern astronomy. The Canaries, however, are one such privileged site.The IAC, with its Teide Observatory on Tenerife and Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, provides a base for tapping the valuable natural resource of the Canarian sky."


National Geographic
(This may need a subscription to view more than a few articles.)

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NASA LINKS Has Been Retired | NASA

For information about opportunities to see the International Space Station as it passes over your city, visit Spot the Station.

For current information on the International Space Station, visit

For imagery and videos from all of NASA’s programs, visit

For historical information on the Space Shuttle Program, visit the Space Shuttle mission archive. 

For historical information on other NASA programs, visit and

For an alphabetical list of topics: NASA Ato Z

NASA Human Spaceflight
Space Shuttle Mission Archive

"NASA's new Lunar Quest Program is a multi-element program consisting of flight missions, instruments for lunar missions of opportunity, as well as research and analysis efforts."


NASA is looking to answer key questions about our home planet, neighboring planets in our solar system and the universe beyond:

This NASA website shows the difference in size between various planets and moons.


Welcome to the Planets.
"This is a collection of many of the best images from NASA's planetary exploration program."


The Mars Millennium Project
" This website was created with regard to NASA's plans to establish a habitat on Mars in 2030. It provides teachers, students and others in both formal and informal learning environments with insights and thought-provoking questions and ideas for participation in the Mars Millennium Project."

This is an archived copy of this website, and is no longer being updated. Some material may be outdated.
Please enjoy the site as a glimpse back at history.

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A special thank you to Scout Emma T., and her leader Michelle Bass,
of the Bay Minette Girl Scout Troop located in Alabama
for passing along this great resource!

(This may not be working. Try the WayBack Machine!)


Thank you to Ashley, who has been loving the Girls in STEM program through her middle school! They were working on an Astronomy and Space Exploration project
and she found this link about Telecommunications Satellites.
In Sarah's words, it "discusses the evolution of satellite communication - starting with the launch of Sputnik, improving with NASA's developments and continuing to evolve with SpaceX's Starlink. It has changed the course of space exploration! There's a nice selection of additional reading about technology and space exploration for students of all ages!"

Go, Stemettes, Go!

Thank you to Kiel for suggesting a link to
" The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration",
while discussing astronomy and interstellar resources
as part of an assignment with

This website touches upon our changing tech world:
"Using data in smart ways is not only improving our spacecraft but also changing how we plan missions, study distant space, and predict what's out there."

Here's an idea from Dorothy, home-school volunteer teacher: 
wouldn't it be fun to have a cruise holiday aligned with adventure-based learning experiences?

"Explore STEM Adventures on Your Next Cruise: A Must-Read for Science and Math Enthusiasts. It highlights STEM-related activities available on cruises, including astronomy nights, stargazing opportunities, observatory visits, and interactive astronomy sessions."

If you are lucky enough to be planning a cruise holiday,
this webpage has lots of links to STEM activities.



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Nature's Classroom


This page created October 2001
revised March 2022, updated October 2024.