Mrs. Boekhout - Classroom 2

Open House September


Open House is such a wonderful time! Amost all the students and their parents come to visit!
The children do a fantastic job of introducing their parents to their Grade 2 teacher, Mrs. Boekhout.
The parents are excited to see all the hard work that the children have done in less than one month of school.
...and... of course, all the pets and the stuffies have a grand time as well!

Here's your chance to take a second "walk" through the classroom!
These are some of the things you might have seen (every year it's a little bit different).

Our Classroom
We are in Classroom #2. Welcome to our Classroom door!


Terry Fox Run
One of our first whole-school activities is to learn about Terry Fox and then do the Run!

Calendar Time
Every day we do activities in the "Calendar Corner"
There are lots of different ways to record the date and the number of days of school.
We also have
Missing Tooth poems, songs, and charts here.

Here is our Pet Centre.
In the classroom we have anole lizards, tropical fish,
several kinds of walking sticks, fire-bellied newts,
and our three leopard geckos (Spotty, Speedy, and Lucy take turns coming).
We raise mealworms to feed the lizards and we often have visiting animals like caterpillars.


Stuffie Shelf
Our stuffies are an important part of the classroom.
They read with us and wri
te and more!
Some of our classroom stuffies have been all over the world!
They even have their own website!

Sometimes we have special visitors... in 2008 Mrs. Lawson came all the way from Australia!
She brought Wilbur Wombat to visit us, as well as some other Australian mini-stuffies.
Haida Bear has gone to Australia to meet HER class!


Computer & Ornithologist Center

We have two computers, a PC and an iMac, so this table can squish in two people at once.
Mrs. Boekhout has a PC computer of her own too, so she can show things to the whole class.

Our Ornithologist (Bird) Center is here too. We belong to Canada's BirdFeeder Watch program.
We watch the birds that come to our bird feeders and put their pictures on the whiteboard.
We put up seeds and suet in our tree and we have a window feeder with shelled sunflower.
We are learning to recognizedifferent birds
(chickadees, juncos, starlings, crows, Stellar's Jays, flickers, downy woodpeckers and more!)


Horticulturist and Theme Center

Our Classroom Horticulturist takes care of the plants in the classroom.
We have a special plant gro-light on a timer.


Displays go on the counter under the window.
Our Fall Display has lots of seeds, cones, leaves, and gourds.
We will learn to recognize different cones (like Douglas Fir, Pine, Spruce, Alder)
and leaves (like Broadleaf Maple, Vine Maple, Tulip Tree, Alder, Chestnut).

The Sanctuary

Our School has a special outdoor courtyard called the Sanctuary.
We will help to keep it beautiful by planting bulbs and flowers.


"Nestor Pride" Motto

Our School has a special motto.
Be... Be... Be... eNcouraging, rEsponsible, Safe, Trustworthy, hOnest, Respectful.

We also learn how to use our WITS.
W - walk away, I - ignore, T - talk about it, S - seek help

Meteorologist Center

Every day our Meteorologist records the weather, temperature, cloud cover.


Message Board

There are always messages for us on the whiteboard.

We also work on different language and spelling skills every day.

Message Center

We can write letters to each other, to Mrs. B., and even to the Stuffies!


Word Wall

Every week we learn five new "Word Wall Doozers".
At the end of the week these words go up on the Blue Word Wall.
We are NEVER allowed to spell those words wrong again in Gr. 2... because they are right on the wall!


Mrs. B. Box

Mrs. Boekhout has a box on her desk for special notes from home or field trip notices and money..


Desk Map

We try to take time to tidy our desks just like the Desk Map.
If you put everything in the right place, you can find it without even looking!.


Monitor Jobs

After we learn about all the Monitor Jobs, we will start taking turns doing them.
Everyone will get a whole week doing each and every job.



HRC - Home Reading Club

Every time we have read for 20 nights we get a certificate.
When we get to 100 nights of reading, we get to pick a book!!!



Hallway Displays
We're a Rainbow of Personality!

We got to make a big display in September!

Everyone wrote a little fact sheet about themselves and drew a "Me in September" picture.
(This is last year's display.)



Who Am I?

This display was really fun to create!
First of all, we took a good look in the mirror to check out our faces.
We were amazed to find out how many parts we needed to cut out just to make an accurate eye!
(white eyeball, coloured iris, black pupil, eyelashes, and eyebrows!)
Then we wrote clues about ourselves on a "Who Am I?" sheet...


Division 9 Loves School!
We all wrote about our favourite activities at school in KidPix at the computer lab.
Then we coloured in the pictures back in the classroom.


We know that you need to eat nutritious foods to stay healthy and be smart in school!.


Isn't Classroom 2 a BUSY place!!!